Finding the joy in healthcare again

by Niki Ballingrud, RN, LALD, Regional Manager - Consulting MN

Are the Sunday Scaries taking over your whole weekend?  Do you feel your patience with everyone and everything is wearing thin? Does it seem as though no matter what you do at work it is never enough? For many of us in healthcare these thoughts and feelings are quite real and likely have been for some time now. As COVID continues to rage on and struggles with staffing continue to persist, how do we cope? How do we find the joy in healthcare?  

The definition of joy is easy to find by looking it up in the Webster Dictionary: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires; a state of happiness or felicity; a source or cause of delight.  

The finding of joy can be a little more difficult than just looking it up. While it would be wonderful if that were the case, we all know that isn’t true and some days, a lot of days, we need to work pretty darn hard to find the joy in healthcare.  

If joy is found in the little things, and the little things add up to be quite impactful, here are some suggestions of little things to help you find the joy in healthcare.  

Intentional reflection at the end of each day to actively seek out a joyful moment, a happy thought, a positive interaction, or fun activity. Seek and you shall find.  

Think about “the why.” Why did you go into nursing, healthcare administration, caregiving etc. Use that why and connect it to your day. What fulfills your why? Write it down and look at it when times are hard.  

Connect with others through simple acts of kindness. Compliment someone on his shoes. Tell someone she has a great laugh. Give a genuine smile and “great to see you today” to someone who needs it. Give joy to get joy.  

Laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine. Laughing releases endorphins and relieves stress. A good laugh just makes you feel better.  Laughter and joy go hand in hand.  

Make a list of the things that bring you joy. Can you find some of them at work? Can you incorporate some of them into your day at work?  

While these small acts of trying to find joy may seem daunting against the adversity we face in healthcare, placing extra emphasis on joy that is found, created, and given can foster a positive environment and can make each day a little bit brighter. Every little bit helps.


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