The Art of Communication

By Melinda Williams, RN Consultant

As we all know, Communication is a vital part of success for any company. Important information is not passed to the correct people without communication. We are all guilty of not communicating to the best of our ability from time to time, and this does cause great concern for many of us. 

Communication has many different types: Verbal, Non-verbal, Written, Listening and Visual. Being clear, respectful, positive and confident in your communication skills will increase how your communication is received. Communication must have a purpose for the audience to be engaged. Communication can be taken in all different directions, if the communication is not clear. Incorporating the following types of communication in everyday life are vital for the listener and the speaker: 

Verbal: Using your voice. The words that you choose can have a big impact on the message that is given and received. Speak intelligently and clearly and try to avoid slang or inappropriate language. 

Non-Verbal: Body Language, facial expressions, posture can all impact the non-verbal signals that are being translated by the listener and/or bystander of the message. 

Written: Words we read via email, paper, text, posts, newspaper, or billboard. Be cautious of the words that are written as they cannot be taken back. Write intelligently and clearly and try to avoid slang or inappropriate language.  

Listening: Being actively engaged when someone is speaking. Listen for content and be able to repeat the message that is sent and then articulate understanding by responding when appropriate. Ask questions if the message is not clear or if you do not understand what is being communicated. 

Visual: Things that we see- including, GIFs, screenshots, video, pie charts, infographics, and slide deck presentations. Evoking emotion by utilizing the senses of visual elements to convey a message and inspire change through emotion. 

We all communicate daily with many individuals and at one time or another, we have all thought to ourselves…. could I have communicated that better?  If so…what could, or should I have done differently to ensure my communication was clear? 

Communication is extremely important to the day-to-day operations in every field. Nurses rely on communication in every form to investigate and discover the needs of our seniors.  Communication can impact the outcome in every situation. Effective communication seems like it should be easy however, communication like everything else requires practice, feedback, and skill.  

Communication can be frustrating when the receiver does not hear the message that we clearly think is being sent. This can lead to miscommunication, frustration, and a poor outcome. Opening oneself to feedback and criticism is a clear way to improve communication message and delivery.   

Working on communication skills to improve the message and accepting feedback is important to building effective communication. Discovering the barriers of communication and why the message was not received or offered effectively is also key to the communication circle. A good team that communicates effectively makes for a less stressful environment.   

Whether you are trying to improve your communication among the team at work or at home, becoming aware of the skills that will deepen the connections to others and build a greater trust and respect to improve as a team will improve problem solving, trust, and over all social and emotional health. 


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